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Tips to Help You Avoid Heating & Cooling System Breakdown

Feb 20, 2019

You depend on the heating and cooling system for your home. It keeps your home at a comfortable temperature through out the seasons, as well as, provides essential functions such as air filtration. When the HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) unit stops functioning properly, it can be a costly undertaking.  The good news is with a little time and routine maintenance, you can help your HVAC system continue to work efficiently for years to come.


Why Maintenance is Important for Your HVAC System

Regular maintenance on your heating and cooling system will help the equipment operate at peak efficiency. A maintenance routine will help you avoid surprise repairs as well as, keep it performing at it’s peak.  A benefit is the least amount of  energy used will yield a lower monthly energy bill.

It’s not just about keeping your energy costs low, though. Routine maintenance will also help with:

  • Fewer breakdowns.
  • Longer lasting system. A good HVAC system can last a couple of decades if it is properly maintained.
  • Dirty systems can make allergy and asthma symptoms worse. A malfunctioning system could even pose a fire risk.

Key Maintenance Tip, Keep Your System Efficient

Change Air Filters Regularly

Keep air filters on hand and change quarterly. You’ll want to do this more often if you are an allergy sufferer or have pets in your home. Dirty air filters can cause the system to work harder to distribute the cold or warm air into your home, making the HVAC equipment less efficient.


Check for Water Leaks

Perform a HVAC equipment visual inspection.  If you spot a water leak, it may be one of the following items and you should contact an HVAC repair technician.

  • Drain line may be clogged.
  • Disconnected drain line.
  • Condensate pump problem.
Keep Vents Clear

Check your vents periodically to ensure  furniture or other household items are blocking the airflow. Blocked vents has a similar effect as a dirty air filter whereas the system will  work harder to maintain proper airflow and temperature.

Clean Up Debris

Typically the HVAC condenser is outside, often it accumulates debris build up.  Debris build up may include weeds, litter, and fallen branches which can damage the condenser quickly and bring your system to a halt. It’s recommended you clean up  the area regularly and keep it free from debris. Energy.gov recommends keeping plants trimmed back at least two feet from the condenser.


Service Your  System

Have your HVAC system serviced annually. An HVAC technician will conduct a thorough inspection to include:

  • Thermostat check
  • Tightening electrical connections
  • Clean and adjust the blower
  • Check the condensate drain to ensure it’s draining properly and clean if necessary.
  • Check system controls
  • Check fuel line connection (heating)
  • Check refrigerant charge (cooling)

Looking for more information on how to keep your new home working efficiently? Read our blog features for more maintenance ideas or visit EnergyStar.gov for tips on how to efficiently heat and cool your home.